Across the street from the Glendale Transportation Center, a 1960s commercial building could make way for a mixed-use apartment complex, according to an application submitted in early August to the City of Glendale.

The proposed project, slated for a corner parcel at 345 W. Cerritos Avenue, calls for the construction of a new six-story, approximately 55,000-square-foot building featuring 41 apartments above 1,980 square feet of ground-floor retail and restaurant uses and semi-subterranean parking for 42 vehicles.

Project entitlements are being processed using density bonus incentives to permit a larger structure than otherwise allowed by zoning rules. In exchange, three of the new one- and two-bedroom apartments would be set aside for rent as affordable housing at the very low-income level.

345 W Cerritos AvenueGoogle Street View

Property records list the owner of the site as the Glendale-based entity Allegro Capital Partners.

The project emerges at a time when Glendale planning officials are revising zoning rules to promote new multifamily and mixed-use development near the transportation center, which is served by Metrolink, Amtrak, and potentially a streetcar. One property owner has already gotten started - a 31-unit apartment complex is in the works two blocks north of the Cerritos Avenue site.

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