Just east of Crenshaw Boulevard in Hyde Park, upgrades are in the works for a small patch of community green space.

The proposed renovation of 11th Avenue Park, a roughly .27-acre space located at 6116 S. 11th Avenue, is detailed in a new presentation to the Los Angeles Board of Recreation and Parks Commissioners. Existing improvements, limited to a play structure and a spartan seating area, would be removed and replaced with a new playground, exercise equipment, seating and benches, a shaded picnic area, a small amphitheater, and new landscaping.

EPT Design is designing the proposed project, according to the staff report.

11th Avenue ParkGoogle Maps

The Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust is leading the design and construction of the project, using a $2.4 million Proposition 68 grant.

Hyde Park, which has seen an uptick in new residential development in concert with the arrival of Metro's K Line, has also seen a handful of new open spaces come to the neighborhood. Those include a similar pocket park which opened a few blocks southwest on Victoria Avenue in 2019, as well as the new public art and open spaces included with the Destination Crenshaw project.

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