At a public hearing on March 28, the Los Angeles City Planning Commission signed off on plans for a small mixed-use building on Hyperion Avenue in Silver Lake.

Courtyard of 2346 Hyperion AvenueRoTo Architects

The proposed project, which would replace three commercial buildings at 2336-2346 N. Hyperion Avenue, is being developed by Christopher and Craig Kinsling of CK Development. Plans call for the construction of a new four-story building featuring 15 one- and two-bedroom apartments above 974 square feet of ground-floor commercial space and at-grade and subterranean parking for 17 vehicles.

City Planning Commission approval was required for off-menu density bonus incentives requested by the developers to allow a larger building than normally permitted by zoning. In exchange, two of the apartments are to be set aside as deed-restricted affordable housing at the very low-income level.

Aerial view of 2346 Hyperion AvenueRoTo Architects

RoTo Architects and FSY Architects remain the design team attached to 2346 Hyperion, which has evolved since submitted to the city in January 2023, but still maintains an exterior of perforated white concrete, metal panels, and wood louvers. Likewise, plans still show a series of courtyards and amenity decks carved into the building.

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