A collection of small residential buildings located just west of Crenshaw Boulevard in Hyde Park could be razed and redevelopment with a larger apartment complex, according to an application submitted last month to the Los Angeles Department of City Planning.

The proposed project, slated for properties located at 6313-6323 S. Brynhurst Avenue, is describe in a case filing as a five-story building which would feature 50 one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments above ground-floor parking for 26 vehicles.

View looking northwest from BrynhurstGA Engineering

Project applicant Farbod Shadpour of 6319 Brynhurst Ave, LLC is seeking the approval of Transit Oriented Communities incentives to permit the construction of a larger building than would typically be allowed by zoning rules. In exchange, five of the new apartments would be set aside for rent as extremely low-income housing, partially offsetting the eight existing dwellings that would be demolished.

GA Engineering is designing 6313 Brynhurst, which is portrayed in renderings as a contemporary podium-type building clad in painted stucco and fiber cement boards. Besides housing, plans call for a recreation room on the ground-floor and a central courtyard.

6313 Brynhurst AvenueGoogle Maps

The new development would rise a short walk north from a similar multifamily residential complex recently built with prefabricated modular units at 6559 Brynhurst Avenue. The site is also located near both Crenshaw and West Boulevard, where a number of new income-restricted and permanent supportive housing complexes have recently been built.

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